Hi, I’m Samuel Pawlak - Designer / Brand Specialist / Always building something / Writing about the odd and interesting realities of business

About Sam

I'm just a designer, for lack of a better term. An okay designer at that, nothing special. There are still plenty of things to do, things to learn, and places to improve. The only people who do tell me I'm better than just "okay" tend not to have a project budget. 

Creating is at the absolute core of what I love doing. Branching out from this core love of building are the domains I find deeply interesting, and thus worth creating things within. These namely include the domains of motorsports, art, design, and digital systems. Divergent topics for sure, and the list is only getting longer. 

I created this website to openly document my observations, talk about interesting business concepts and ideas, discuss business experiences, and formulate rough models about how it all functions. I find writing to be a tremendously helpful exercise in working through ideas and information. I hope these write-ups and blogs also help in your own endeavors too, whatever they may be.

To learn more about how I got here, enter the Time Machine.