Welcome to the blog, here's the content you can expect to read

It’s difficult to gauge what the value of this information might be, so let’s be safe and assume it’s worth absolutely nothing. The least I could do is make it somewhat entertaining.

August 10, 2022

I’m typically bad at putting sudden ideas down on paper in the moment when I feel it’s worth jotting down. It’s super useful if you can form a consistent habit of doing it – especially as a creative / business minded person. Pile up enough notes and you’ll start to see patterns emerging. It’s funny how that works. Some notes, in isolation, might be the most random sounding ideas you’ve ever heard. Like, “run your own personal blog”…

So, I decided to finally put my own domain name to use (i.e. Samuelpawlak.com) after owning it for almost eight years or so, design this website from the scratch, and start putting ideas out there.

Why start a blog?

Lots of reasons. Not to sound selfish, but I basically started this blog for myself as a way to continually document and publish my own thoughts, insights, and experiences in business (and of course share them for everyone’s benefit). It’s much easier to recall concepts and information when you’re continually building out an external database of your own thoughts.  Second reason – Call me crazy, but I don’t want to create another social media account ever again (LinkedIn is more than enough), or be locked into a platform like Medium or Substack where my work is at the mercy of someone else to varying degrees. Third reason - I wanted to publish content in a place which I could brand to myself from top to bottom. And lastly, I’ve been itching to publish blogs about things that have nothing to do with any of the business(es) I currently run, and I needed a place to do that effectively.

What type of content?

My goal is put out content that falls into one of three buckets, depending on the post. Those buckets are “business experience insights”, “real time project / business updates and what I’ve learned”, and “models/concepts for business”. This, at least, is where I think I’ll start. Maybe the list will grow, we’ll see.

What’s in it for you? (As a reader)

It’s difficult to gauge what the value of this information might be, so let’s be safe and assume it’s worth absolutely nothing. The least I could do is make it somewhat entertaining.  If in the process of being “entertained” you stumble across a concept or write-up that’s actually quite valuable to you or your business, awesome! I didn’t even do this with you in mind anyway. Enjoy the content!

P.S. - You may have also noticed the “consulting / contract work” page. I actually don’t expect anyone to inquire (ever).  But hey, I own this site, so it’s free real estate as far as I’m concerned.